How to protect your flock from wolves? Protecting your flock from wolves requires the use of one or more means of protecting flocks. Certain tools can only be used for one type of animal, for example: herd protection dogs are essentially only used with sheep. 
The anti-wolf collar is designed to adapt to all types of livestock, offering excellent protection and, above all, very easy to use.

The different means of protecting herds against wolves, depending on the livestock

There are numerous systems to help protect herds. These means are often specific to farm animals and others are suitable for all animals, such as the simple radio, the electric fence with several wires or ribbons and the anti-wolf collar.

Here is a non-exhaustive list according to farm animals:

For sheep:

  • Electric restraint nets
  • Herd protection dogs (CPT)
  • Anti-wolf collar
  • Shepherd help
  • 5 wire electric fence

For cattle:

  • Anti-wolf collar
  • 5 wire electric fence

For equines:

  • Anti-wolf collar
  • 3 ribbon electric fence

For goats:

  • Electric restraint nets
  • Anti-wolf collar
  • 5 wire electric fence

How to protect your flock from wolves: with the anti-wolf collar.

The anti-wolf collar is a simple and effective way to protect all types of livestock. Whether on cattle, goats, horses and sheep, the anti-wolf collar has proven its effectiveness. It is easy to set up and its maintenance is very low.

This collar with flashing lights and ultrasonic alarm is fitted to livestock in the following ratio :

  • 1 anti-wolf collar for 8 sheep/goats, 1 collar for every 15 animals over 200 animals in a batch
  • 1 anti-wolf collar for 5 cattle
  • 1 anti-wolf collar for 3 horses

How does it work?

It then constantly monitors the batch of animals. When the animals start to flee, when one or more wolves approach or attack, the collars are triggered, emitting a powerful ultra-high frequency alarm and powerful, rapidly flashing lights for several dozen seconds. The surprise effect is total. The wolves will be surprised, disorientated and irritated as they attack. The sum of the collars creates a mass effect. The repellents are spread in all directions.  They will dissuade the wolves from predating farm animals, as the disturbance is too great. The wolves will give up their attack. The flashes and ultrasounds are triggered as many times as the batch of cattle, sheep or horses trots by.

Since these collars have been in use, i.e. in tests since 2017 and since 2023 when they were put on sale, more than 50 batches have been equipped, the equivalent of more than 1,000 farm animals. There have only been two predations on sheep, one on an injured bovine and one on an equine. On the other hand, the uncollared holdings in the surrounding area (3km radius) were attacked many times, with high levels of predation (41 attacks, 64 animals killed).

In 2024, the number of attacks relative to the number of lots was also very low. Here is a summary table, by year, of the effectiveness of the anti-wolf collars. The effectiveness rate is over 85%.


The anti-wolf collar works well, it is a real tool for protecting your flock from wolves. It’s easy to use and very competitive. In fact, you only need to change the battery once a year.

How can you protect your flock from wolves? Now you know, thanks to the wolf collar.

You would like to know more about the CAL, anti-wolf collar, the means to protect your flock from wolves, take a look our presentation page And our answers to questions page.

Here you can also find feedback from livestock farmers.


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